"The music is all around us. All you have to do is listen."
--August Rush
In the movie, August Rush, a young boy follows the music he hears all around him, convinced it will lead him to his birth parents. He can't NOT listen. To him, music is everywhere - the traffic, kids playing, wind chimes, someone talking, the subway beneath New York.
What is the music that is calling to you? Are you listening?
In whatever form your music shows up, it is Spirit, that something greater than you, speaking to your heart.
If we listen, magic happens. Life works better. We feel more fulfilled. We are always being guided, if we choose to listen and follow what we hear, and what we feel.
For some, like August Rush, their music is so loud they can't NOT listen. Some of us doubt ourselves, listening to others instead, and doing what seems reasonable or realistic.
What is your music? Writing? Painting? Photography? Cooking? Music? Teaching? or ...?
Listen to what calls to you. Even if it seems faint and you must listen closely. Allow it to wake you at night. Pay attention. See where it leads. Ask, What if?
You may just find something magical.